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Stock Investment Guide ~ FAQ


1. Why are you called Churr Software?
We picked Churr for our name for a number of reasons. First, we wanted an usual, but easy to remember name. The name is also unusual enough that we were able to secure a one word domain name, which is almost impossible to achieve. Also, we like the definition of Churr, which is a "vibrant noise" (like that made by a bird or an insect). Our logo is a representation of a Churrinche, a bird native to South America.

2. Are you affiliated with the NAIC, the national organization for stock clubs?
No. Churr Software contacted the organization multiple times during the development of the Stock Investment Guide. Churr Software continues to have a dialog with volunteer organization within NAIC, such as the Computer Group Advisory Board. The author has been a member of NAIC since founding his stock club in 1990.

3. Why don't you use any of the terms familiar to stock investment clubs for the stock analysis and forms?
The NAIC holds trademark registrations and copyrights for terms like "Stock Selection Guide" and "SSG." Since NAIC does not have a relationship with Churr Software, we are forced to remain independent and use our own terminology. You will find the transition to the Stock Investment Guide to be very easy and seamless. Other club members using "approved" software will easily understand your stock analysis.

4. Does the SIG software perform technical analysis?
Since you are asking this question, you are not familiar with the type of stock analysis performed by stock investment clubs. You need to research and understand this type of analysis before purchasing our software. Visit the NAIC's website at and read about stock clubs and their approach to stock analyses.

5. Does Churr Software offer investment advise?
No! Our software is only a tool for stock club members, and does not provide any investment advise. See answer 4 above.

6. Is a Windows version available?
Yes. We have many satisfied users on the Windows platform. Please visit our online store and try out our free demo program.

7. What are the system requirements for Stock Investment Guide?
For the Macintosh version, you need a Macintosh with OS X.
The Windows version has been tested on Windows 2000 and XP. The official specification is Pentium or better, Windows 98, ME, NT (4.0 or higher), 2000, XP. You will need an internet connection if you want to download NAIC stock data for your stock analysis. You will need a printer if you want a printout. That's all!

8. Does Churr offer stock data that can be downloaded?
No. Visit and sign up for their S&P Data Service. It only costs $25 per year in addition to your stock club membership, and is a great deal. We highly recommend their service. Besides, you can spend more than $25 per year if you drive to the library and photocopy S&P or Valueline data sheets.

9. I don't have a PayPal account. Can I still buy your software?
Surely. Most people have an excellent buying experience with PayPal, and we have conducted many transactions without problems. We also have an authorized reseller that can process your transaction. Use our Contact Us form to send us an email to request an alternate payment method.

10. How do I learn how to complete a stock analysis?
First, we highly recommend that you find a good stock club in your area. Clubs are a wonderful way to learn about investing by actually investing. You can also check out this online tutorial.

11. How do I know your software performs the correct analysis?
Brad, the founder of Churr software has been a member of NAIC since 1990. He founded a local investment club that has invested every month since that time, building a portfolio of more than $300,000. This is not due to any individual achievement, but rather by participation as a member of a successful club. His club members compared their results with other analysis methods and continue to use the Stock Investment Guide for their analyses. Lastly, you can download the free demo version to see how the software works.

12. How do I exclude years of "outliers" data in the analysis?
You can exclude any particular year by clicking on the year label at the bottom of the graph. Also, you can click on the year in the Price and Earnings table (this is on the Analysis tab). Additionally, an individual High PE or Low PE may be excluded by clicking the particular cell in the Price and Earnings History table in the Analysis tab.


13. What are the limitations of the demo version?
You can't save your data and you can't print. The sales and EPS growth rates are locked at 15 percent. There is also "UNREGISTERED" watermarks in the program. You can only download a select few datafiles from the NAIC SDS. If you do not have a NAIC SDS subscription, we have a sample online file for you to test the online functionality. See the program's preferences to select this option. The demo version can not be activated as a full program.

14. Do you plan to offer any expansion packs to perform other stock club analysis?
We also offer a Portfolio Analysis Review that allows users to create a Portfolio Review spreadsheet of all analyzed stocks.

15. What should I do if I still have questions?
Visit our contact form . We will gladly help you with any questions you may have.


16. Where can I find finance-related websites?
You might explore, which has many investing links. News and data sources are provided within the software that will allow you to expand your research for a stock under study.

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See What Our Customers are Saying...

"The ... SIG software is a pleasure to use."

"I belong to NAIC and this software pulls all the required stock data out [of] the NAIC web site in a flash."

"I was able to download an SSG from NAIC without problems. ... It runs so fast. Thank you."

"[I am] thrilled with the upcoming changes and is very impressed by your responsiveness."

"[Importing SSG data from OPS] is a faster process in this implementation than on any Windows based SSG software I've used to date."

"Thanks for creating such useful and easy-to-use software."

© Copyright 2006 Churr Software
A Taylor Media,LLC Website

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