Update on Better Investing Data Switch

My recent blog post prompted call from Better Investing (thanks Suzi). (Perhaps some of my devoted users emailed Better Investing?)

They wanted to assure users of the Stock Investment Guide that the switch over to the Morningstar data should be seamless. I do still recommend our users update their stock data files before the 22 December switch, just to ensure you are up-to-date in event of any temporary problems.

BI also mentioned that once they make it through the holidays and the Morningstar data switch, they will continue talking with me regarding the Stock Investment Guide. They understand that my request for pursuing a closer working relationship had been languishing on their part. Yet, I should emphasize that the current relationship between Churr and Better Investing is vastly improved when compared to the previous BI leadership. Better Investing, while not officially recognizing SIG, at least understands what the software brings to their members.

We will wait to see what the new year brings. Hopefully they understand that my user base is the smallest of any stock club provider. What I provide users would never be commercially viable at the $80 price point for somebody like Better Investing, yet there are few options for Macintosh users (and I am happy to have my Windows users too).

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send an email to me. I really appreciate my users, as you are very supportive.



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