Stock Investment Guide Updated to 3.2.9

The Stock Investment Guide, a leading stock analysis application, has been updated to version 3.2.9. This version has some big changes under the hood.

Version 3.2.9 Changes:

1. Fixed the broken Free Data option. (The breakage is beyond our control.) Please make sure you read an important note below if using the Free Data Option.

2. Updated the ticker symbols database. If you notice any duplicates, missing symbols, or errors, please let me know.

3. Some bug fixes and corrections.

Important Note: The free data option draws some data from (this is an excellent site for other stock-related data too). If unregistered, the Quandl site limits users to 50 data calls per day (about 25 stock analyses). If users will register for a free account at, you will have a “token” that can be copied and pasted in to SIG preferences (under the stock data tab). The token will allow you to have an unlimited number of analyses.

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